Welcome into verse analytics !
This site compiles a bunch of tools that aims at making your experience on the gotchiverse better. Do not hesitate to contact me directly if you have some comments or suggestions. As the game is evolving quickly, I will try to do my really best to keep all tools up to date. You will find below a list of the tools with a quick description for each of them.
This site has been developed with the support and contributions of Gotchifarmy and gmDAO
Uncompound exactly the right quantity of alchemicas based on what you need to craft
A tool that will help you compound your daily earned alchemica more easily so that you get moar GLTR later !
Compare prices of all 4 Alchemicas vs USD. Give informations about which alchemica seems overvalued or undervalued at a point in time
This tool is kindly brought to you by gmDAO. Based on your number of gotchis, their kinship and your number of parcels, this tools will suggest the best strategies to optimize your yield on a given number of days.
Allow you to perform batch actions on your gotchis regarding lendings. List, cancel, claim and even claim and relist all your gotchis at once with ease. Once you tried, there is no going back (not my words)....
This tool provides very detailed insights about lending activity and revenue on a period of time. You can use it to track any wallet, whether it is acting as an owner, a borrower or a thirdParty, or even on whitelists. For each category you will find a top 25, but of course you can also search for any wallet or whitelist.
© 2022 by fifoooo#8782 with support of the Gotchifarmy and gmDAO
For any feedbacks or bug report, please join that discord channel: #verse-analytics-support